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TED 테드로 영어공부 하기 Why do your knuckles pop

by ★√★ 2020. 5. 8.

안녕하세요, Davey 입니다. 오늘 Posting 할 TED 강연은 손이나 손가락 관절에서 저희가 땡기거나 스트레칭할 때 나는 소리에 대한 내용입니다. 즉, 왜 우리 손이나 손가락 관절을 꺾거나, 당길 때 “딱” 하는 소리가 날까 라는 내용입니다.

일단 Title은 Why do your knuckles pop 입니다. 본문 내용은 아래 Link를 참조 하시면 됩니다.



Why do your knuckles pop?

Some people love the feeling of cracking their knuckles, while others cringe at the sound. But what causes that trademark pop? And is it dangerous? Eleanor Nelsen gives the facts behind joint popping. [Directed by Steve Belfer Creative, narrated by Addison


일단, speech가 시작을 하면, 딱 딱 소리가 나는데, 이 소리가 머냐 라는 질문을 던지면서 청중의 주의를 사로 잡으면서, 강연을 시작합니다. 그리고, 이 소리가 물어보는 사람에 따라, 의미가 달라진다고 하네요. 어떤 사람한테는 먼가.. 몸이 풀리는 느낌이라는 것이고, 어떤 사람한테는 혐오스러운 유해한 소리라고 생각한다고 하네요. 그러면 과연, speech title 처럼, 왜 꺾거나 당길 때 “딱” “딱” 소리가 나는 걸까요. 이 부분에 대해서는 과학자들의 몇가의 속설을 애기를 하는데, 하나는, 급작스러운 인대 스트레칭에 그렇다고 하고, 다른 하나는 뼈가 갈리는 소리라고 말하는 사람들이 있다고 합니다. 하지만 가장 설득력있는 애기는 우리 몸에서 가장 유연한 물질인, synovial joint 윤활관절에 내포하고 있는 공기방울이 터지면서 나는 소리라고 합니다. 그리고, 덤으로 윤활관절에 대해서 자세히 본문에서 설명을 해주니까, 참조 하시면 되겠습니다. 자세한 내용은 아래 script 와 관련 word 참조하시어, 지식도 싾고, 영어공부 하시면 될 거 같습니다. 아래 script는 TED 홈페이지 해당 speech의 Transcript 내용 참조하였습니다.

- Why do your knuckles pop script & words

TED 영상 사진 참조

What's that sound? Depending on whom you ask, the crackle of popping joints is either the sound of sweet relief or the noxious tones of a stomach-turning habit. Really, though. What's that sound? I mean, why does bending your joints in a certain way make them pop like that? Scientists have offered several explanations, including rapidly stretching ligaments, and in severe cases, actual bones grinding against each other. But the most common explanation for why your stretched-out joints sound like bubbles popping is that, well, there are bubbles in there. The joints in your fingers are the easiest ones to crack, but many people also crack the joints between vertebrae in their neck and back, and even their hips, wrists, shoulders and so on. All these joints are synovial joints, and they're the most flexible ones in your body. The space between the two bones is filled with a viscous liquid, synovial fluid, which contains long, lubricating molecules, like hyaluronic acid and lubricin. Synovial fluid is more or less the texture of egg yolk and its primary purpose is to cushion the bones and help them glide past each other. It also contains phagocytic cells that help clean up any bone or cartilage debris that ends up in the joint. But the reason it's important for knuckle cracking is that, like other fluids in your body, it contains lots of dissolved gas molecules.


noxious 유해한

stomach-turning 혐오스러운, 속이 매스끄러운

crack 갈라지게 하다, 갈라지다

synovial joint 윤활관절

viscous 끈적거리는, 점섬이 있는

hyaluronic acid 히알루로산

molecules 분자


Knuckle-crackers know that to get that satisfying pop, you stretch the joint farther than it normally goes by bending your fingers backwards, for example. When you do that, the bones move away from each other. The space between bones gets bigger, but the amount of synovial fluid stays constant. That creates a low-pressure zone that pulls dissolved gases out of the synovial fluid, just like the carbon dioxide that fizzes out of soda when you twist open the cap. Inside the joint, the escaping gases form a bubble with a pop. But the bubble doesn't last long. The surrounding fluid presses on it until it finally collapses. The bubble's gases scatter throughout the synovial cavity and slowly dissolve back into the fluid over the course of about twenty minutes, which is why it can take a while before you can pop the same joint again. Some scientists think there may actually be two pops. One when the bubble forms, and another when it bursts. Popping a joint temporarily enlarges it, which may be why dedicated knuckle-, neck- and back-crackers say the habit makes their joints feel looser and more flexible. But you may have heard from a concerned relative or annoyed officemate that cracking your joints will give you arthritis. A doctor named Donald Unger heard this, too. So, determined to disprove his mother's warnings, he cracked the knuckles of his left hand repeatedly for 50 years, while the right-hand knuckles went unpopped. 36,500 cracks later, both hands were arthritis-free. For this selfless act of devotion to science, Dr. Unger received an Ig Nobel Prize, a parody of the Nobel Prize that recognizes wacky, but weirdly fascinating, scientific accomplishments. Unger wrote that his results should prompt investigation into other parental beliefs, like the importance of eating spinach. The jury's still out on that one. As for knuckle-cracking, one study suggests that all that joint stretching and bubble bursting can cause your hands to swell and weaken your grip. But the biggest proven danger seems to be annoying those around you.

dissolved 녹다, 용해되다
fizzes (음료 수 딸때) 쉬 하는 소리가 나다
cavity 구멍
disprove 틀렸음을 입증하다

selfless 이타적인, 사심없는
parody 패러디
wacky 괴짜스러운

jury 심사위원단

이상입니다. 어렸을 때는 그냥 손가락이나 관절 꺾을때는 시원한거 같아서 그냥 생각없이 했는데, 너무 많이 하면, 붇고, 나중에 쥐는 힘이 약해진다고 하니까, 않하는게 좋을 거 같습니다. 그리고, 마지막 문장에서도 애기하듯이, 남들에게 피해가 주는것도 피해야되지 않을까요?! 새삼 TED에서 알려주는 정보자체가 너무나도 유용하다는 걸 다시 한번 깨닫게 됩니다.

그럼 오늘도 공부 파이팅하시고, 조금이나마 영어 공부에 도움이 되셨으면 하네요. 감사합니다.

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