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TED 테드로 영어공부 하기 Looking for a job Highlight your ability, not your experience

by ★√★ 2020. 3. 5.

안녕하세요, Davey 입니다. 여러분도 TED 많이 읽고, 듣고 계신가요? 요즘은, 약간 슬럼프라서, 저도 살짝, 헤이해지긴 했는데, 항상 들을려고 노력하고, Shadowing도 웬만하면, 할려고 노력하고 있습니다. 


환절기인데, 감기 조심하시구요. 


그럼, 오늘 소개 할 TED Speech에 대해서, 말씀 드리겠습니다. 


오늘 TED Speech Tilte은, "Looking for a job? Highlight your ability, not your experience" 입니다. 접속 링크는 아래 참조 하시면 됩니다.





Looking for a job? Highlight your ability, not your experience

Very few of us hold jobs that line up directly with our past experiences or what we studied in college. Take TED Resident Jason Shen; he studied biology but later became a product manager at a tech company. In this quick, insightful talk about human potent


일단, Speaker가, 자기가 전공한 것을 업으로 삼고 있는 사람을 부러워 한다는 말을 던지면서, Speech를 시작합니다 .


처음에는, 약간, Asian 발음이라서, 약간 Clear하고, 더 잘 들릴 겠다라는 생각에 듣기 시작했는데, 안에 내용을 보면, 정말, 현실적인 내용이 들어 있었습니다.


일단, 자신의 전공에 대한 생각에, 너무 사로 잡혀 있지 말고, 자기가 하고 싶은 것이 있다면, 경험하고, Story를 만들라는 겁니다. 자신의 진짜 능력을 입증하라는 것이죠. 


보통, 기업들은, 학벌이나, 학점을 포함한, 소위 스펙이라는 것에 더 관심을 가지고, 그 기준으로 사람을 뽑을려고 합니다. 그래서, 어떨 때는, 진짜 괜찮은 사람이 못 뽑히기도 하죠. 사실. 그 진짜 괜찮은 사람도, 자신이 현실과 타협해서, 어느정도는, 자신의 능력을 보여 줄 수 있는 기회라는 물건을 가지기 위해서, 노력했었어야 하는데, 하지 않은 것도, 잘못이 있는 거죠. 



무튼, 여기에서는, 몇 몇 회사에서 떨어지고, 자기의 능력을 확실하게 보여주니까, Project Manager로 고용이 되고, 그 경험을 빛대어, Recruiter 들한테, 아래 3가지 조언을 합니다. 


1. One: expand your search. - 찾는 범위를 넓혀라

2. Two: hire for performance. - 성과를 위해 고용해라

3. Three: get the bigger picture. - 보다 큰 그림을 가져라.


위 세가지와 더불어, 자신의 학창 시절에, 호기심이 많은 부분에 대해서, 선생님의 잘못된 편견이 있었다라는 에피소드까지 들면서, 현재, 고용 제도에 대해서, 약간의 비판이 뭍어 있는 거 같습니다. 


이건, 약 6분 살짝 넘는 분량이라, 50번 넘게 Shadowing을 한거 같습니다. 


그럼 오늘도, 화이팅 하시고, 영어 고수에 한발짝 다가가시는 여러분이 되셨으면 합니다. 아래 script는 TED 홈페이지 해당 speech의 Transcript 내용 참조하였습니다.


- Looking for a job? Highlight your ability, not your experience Script & Words



TED 영상 사진 참조



You know who I'm envious of? People who work in a job that has to do with their college major. 



Journalists who studied journalism, engineers who studied engineering. The truth is, these folks are no longer the rule, but the exception. A 2010 study found that only a quarter of college graduates work in a field that relates to their degree. 


I graduated with not one but two degrees in biology. To my parents' dismay, I am neither a doctor nor a scientist. 



Years of studying DNA replication and photosynthesis did little to prepare me for a career in technology. I had to teach myself everything from sales, marketing, strategy, even a little programming, on my own. I had never held the title of Product Manager before I sent my resume in to Etsy. I had already been turned down by Google and several other firms and was getting frustrated. The company had recently gone public, so as part of my job application, I read the IPO filings from cover to cover and built a website from scratch which included my analysis of the business and four ideas for new features. It turned out the team was actively working on two of those ideas and had seriously considered a third. I got the job. 


photosynthesis : 광합성


We all know people who were ignored or overlooked at first but went on to prove their critics wrong. My favorite story? Brian Acton, an engineering manager who was rejected by both Twitter and Facebook before cofounding WhatsApp, the mobile messaging platform that would sell for 19 billion dollars. 


The hiring systems we built in the 20th century are failing us and causing us to miss out on people with incredible potential. The advances in robotics and machine learning and transforming the way we work, automating routine tasks in many occupations while augmenting and amplifying human labor in others. At this rate, we should all be expecting to do jobs we've never done before for the rest of our careers. So what are the tools and strategies we need to identify tomorrow's high performers? In search for answers, I've consulted with leaders across many sectors, read dozens of reports and research papers and conducted some of my own talent experiments. My quest is far from over, but here are three ideas to take forward. 


quest : 탐구, 탐색

far from over : 끝났다고 보기 어렵다

take forward : 나아가다


One: expand your search. If we only look for talent in the same places we always do -- gifted child programs, Ivy League schools, prestigious organizations -- we're going to get the same results we always have. Baseball was transformed when the cash-strapped Oakland Athletics started recruiting players who didn't score highly on traditionally valued metrics, like runs batted in, but who had the ability to help the team score points and win games. This idea is taking hold outside of sports. The Head of Design and Research at Pinterest told me that they've built one of the most diverse and high-performing teams in Silicon Valley because they believe that no one type of person holds a monopoly on talent. They've worked hard to look beyond major tech hubs and focus on designers' portfolios, not their pedigrees. 


prestigious : 명망있는

cash-strapped : 재정적으로 어려운

metrics : 지표

runs batted in : 타점 

taking hold : 장악하다, 대단히 강력해 지다.

look beyond : 예견하다



Two: hire for performance. Inspired by my own job experience, I cofounded a hiring platform called Headlight, which gives candidates an opportunity to shine. Just as teams have tryouts and plays have auditions, candidates should be asked to demonstrate their skills before they're hired. Our clients are benefiting from 85 years of employment research, which shows that work samples are one of the best predictors of success on the job. If you're hiring a data analyst, give them a spreadsheet of historical data and ask them for their key insights. If you're hiring a marketing manager, have them plan a launch campaign for a new product. And if you're a candidate, don't wait for an employer to ask. Seek out ways to showcase your unique skills and abilities outside of just the standard resume and cover letter. 


tryouts : 입단 테스트, 시험해보기

showcase : 공개 행사, (제 개인적인 생각은, showcase 보다, show가 더 어울리는거 같습니다.)


Three: get the bigger picture. I've heard about recruiters who are quick to label a candidate a job-hopper based on a single short stint on their resume; read about professors who are more likely to ignore identical messages from students because their name was black or Asian instead of white. 


stint : 일, 활동


I was almost put on a special needs track as a child. A month into kindergarten, my teacher wrote a page-long memo noting that I was impulsive, had a short attention span, and despite my wonderful curiosity, I was exhausting to work with. 



special needs : 특수 요구


The principal asked my parents into a meeting, asked my mother if there had been complications at birth and suggested I meet with a school psychologist. My father saw what was happening and quickly explained our family situation. As recent immigrants, we lived in the attic of a home that cared for adults with mental disabilities. My parents worked nights to make ends meet, and I had little opportunity to spend time with kids my own age. Is it really a surprise that an understimulated five-year-old boy might be a little excited in a kindergarten classroom after an entire summer by himself? 


principal : 학장

to make ends meet : 겨우 겨우 먹고 살만하다.


Until we get a holistic view of someone, our judgment of them will always be flawed. Let's stop equating experience with ability, credentials with competence. Let's stop settling for the safe, familiar choice and leave the door open for someone who could be amazing. We need employers to let go of outdated hiring practices and embrace new ways of identifying and cultivating talent, and candidates can help by learning to tell their story in powerful and compelling ways. We could live in a world where people are seen for what they're truly capable of and have the opportunity to realize their full potential. So let's go out and build it. 


holistic : 전체적인

credentials : 자격증

competence : 권한, 능숙함, 능숙도

outdated : 구식인

cultivating : 재배하다, 기르다

compelling : 주목하지 않을 수 없는,


Thank you. 



영어로 이해하고, 그냥 전체적인 내용만 이해하고 넘어가면 사실 시간이 별로 안걸리는데, 하나 하나 파고 들어가니까, 좀 오래 걸리는 거 같습니다. 




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