안녕하세요, Davey 입니다. 오늘 아침에 출근하는 길에, Youtube에서, 도파민형 인간이라는 책을 설명해주는 영상을 봤는데, 열심히 머 하고 노력하는게, 정작 좋은지에 대해서, 다시 한번 생각하는 계기가 되었던거 같습니다.
요즘 세상에서, 현실의 편안함을 포기하고, 더 나은 실력을 위해서 노력하는 과정 자체가, 과연 나중에 보상을 해준다는 보장 없이 달려가는게, 과연 맞나? 이런 생각을 하게 되는 아침이 였네요.
무튼 그래도, 할건 해야죠? 나중에 어떻게 될지는 모르지만, 오늘 하루 하나 머 하나라도 알아가는 재미가 있잖아요.
오늘 소개할 TED Speech는, "5 tips to imporve your critical thinking" 입니다. 관련 Link는 아래 참조하시면 됩니다.
5 tips to improve your critical thinking
Every day, a sea of decisions stretches before us, and it's impossible to make a perfect choice every time. But there are many ways to improve our chances — and one particularly effective technique is critical thinking. Samantha Agoos describes a 5-step pr
일단, 이전에도 말씀 드렸지만, TED ED에서, 설명하는 Content여서, Speaker가 무대에서 나와서 하는건 아니고, Narration 으로 진행하는 거 같습니다.
서두에서는, 우리가 살아가면서, 엄청나게 많은 선택의 기로에 놓인다는 말을 던지면서 시작합니다. 그리고 더 나은 선택을 할수 있는 Tip이, Critical Thinking 이라고 애기를 하네요.
(감춰진 이슈나 편견, 그리고 조작을 벗겨내고 가장 최선의 선택을 할 수있다는 Tip! )
그리고, 그 Critical Thinking 의 Process는 아래와 같이 5가지로 구성이 되어 있다고 합니다.
1) One : formulate your question - 너의 질문을 구체화해라
2) Two : Gather your information - 정보를 모아라
3) Three : Apply the information - 정보를 적용해봐라
4) Four : Consider the implications - 너의 선택으로 인한 영향을 고려해봐라
5) Five : Explore other points of view - 다른 시각으로 볼려고 해봐라
5가지의 Process를. 하나씩 던지면, 뒷받침하는 설명을 해주어서, 이해하는데는 도움이 많이 됏습니다.
그리고, 끝으로, Critical Thinking이 우리의 삶속에 어려운 문제를 제거해주는건 아니지만, 더 나은 선택으로 인해, 우리 세계가 더 타당하고 이해 가능하게 더 좋아 질거라는 메세지를 던지면서 마무리를 하였습니다.
아무쪼록, 도움이 되셨으면 좋겠습니다. 아래 script는 TED 홈페이지 해당 speech의 Transcript 내용 참조하였습니다.
- 5 tips to improve your critical thinking Script & Words
Every day, a sea of decisions stretches before us. Some are small and unimportant, but others have a larger impact on our lives. For example, which politician should I vote for? Should I try the latest diet craze? Or will email make me a millionaire? We're bombarded with so many decisions that it's impossible to make a perfect choice every time. But there are many ways to improve our chances, and one particularly effective technique is critical thinking. This is a way of approaching a question that allows us to carefully deconstruct a situation, reveal its hidden issues, such as bias and manipulation, and make the best decision.
craze : 대인기, 열광
bombard : 폭격을 가하다
manipulation : 조작, 속임수
If the critical part sounds negative that's because in a way it is. Rather than choosing an answer because it feels right, a person who uses critical thinking subjects all available options to scrutiny and skepticism. Using the tools at their disposal, they'll eliminate everything but the most useful and reliable information. There are many different ways of approaching critical thinking, but here's one five-step process that may help you solve any number of problems.
scrutiny : 조사, 감시, 검증
skepticism : 의심적인
disposal : 처리
One: formulate your question. In other words, know what you're looking for. This isn't always as straightforward as it sounds. For example, if you're deciding whether to try out the newest diet craze, your reasons for doing so may be obscured by other factors, like claims that you'll see results in just two weeks. But if you approach the situation with a clear view of what you're actually trying to accomplish by dieting, whether that's weight loss, better nutrition, or having more energy, that'll equip you to sift through this information critically, find what you're looking for, and decide whether the new fad really suits your needs.
obscur : 모호하게 하다
equip : 준비를 갖추다
sift : 조사하다, 체를 쳐서 걸러내다
fad : 일시적 유행, 변덕
Two: gather your information. There's lots of it out there, so having a clear idea of your question will help you determine what's relevant. If you're trying to decide on a diet to improve your nutrition, you may ask an expert for their advice, or seek other people's testimonies. Information gathering helps you weigh different options, moving you closer to a decision that meets your goal.
Three: apply the information, something you do by asking critical questions. Facing a decision, ask yourself, "What concepts are at work?" "What assumptions exist?" "Is my interpretation of the information logically sound?" For example, in an email that promises you millions, you should consider, "What is shaping my approach to this situation?" "Do I assume the sender is telling the truth?" "Based on the evidence, is it logical to assume I'll win any money?"
Four: consider the implications. Imagine it's election time, and you've selected a political candidate based on their promise to make it cheaper for drivers to fill up on gas. At first glance, that seems great. But what about the long-term environmental effects? If gasoline use is less restricted by cost, this could also cause a huge surge in air pollution, an unintended consequence that's important to think about.
surge : 큰 파동, 밀려옴
Five: explore other points of view. Ask yourself why so many people are drawn to the policies of the opposing political candidate. Even if you disagree with everything that candidate says, exploring the full spectrum of viewpoints might explain why some policies that don't seem valid to you appeal to others. This will allow you to explore alternatives, evaluate your own choices, and ultimately help you make more informed decisions.
This five-step process is just one tool, and it certainly won't eradicate difficult decisions from our lives. But it can help us increase the number of positive choices we make. Critical thinking can give us the tools to sift through a sea of information and find what we're looking for. And if enough of us use it, it has the power to make the world a more reasonable place.
eradicate : 근절하다, 뿌리 뽑다.
이번에는, 단어는 적게 찾았지만, 입에 붙지 않은 발음들이 많아, 좀 고생을 했습니다. (지금도, 고생을 하고 있습니다.) 앞으로도, 더 열심히 노력해서, 발음 연습 해야되겠습니다.
그럼 오늘도 수고하셨습니다. 감사합니다.
제 Posting이 조금이나마 정보 전달에 도움이 되셨으면 합니다. 같이 소통을 원하시는 분들은 이웃 신청 해주세요. ^^
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