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TED Titile은, "How computer memory works" 입니다. 관련 TED 영상 Link는 아래와 같습니다.
Transcript of "How computer memory works"
TED Talk Subtitles and Transcript: In many ways, our memories make us who we are, helping us remember our past, learn and retain skills, and plan for the future. And for the computers that often act as extensions of ourselves, memory plays much the same ro
일단 영상이 시작하면서, 우리의 메모리가 우리에게 어떤 혜택을 주는 지에 대해서 설명하기 시작합니다. 그리고 나서, 바로 컴퓨터 메모리에 대해서 설명하기 시작합니다. 컴퓨터의 메모리는 bits, or binary digits 라고 불리는 기본 요소의 형체를 가지고 있는데요, 이것들은, 0, 1의 states 사이에서 변화하는 메모리 셀에, 저장됩니다. 프로그램들으 이런, 여러가지 bits로 구성이 되어 있으며, 이 bits들은, CPU라고 불리는 중앙 처리 유닛에 의해 처리가 됩니다. CPU라는 건 많이 들어 보셨죠? 그래서 CPU가 좋으면 컴퓨터가 빨라지고, 동시에, 가격이 높아지는 겁니다. 왜냐하면, 더 빠르게 처리하는 성능 좋은 기계가 탑재가 되어 있으니, 가격은 높이 질 수 밖에 없는 거겠죠. 그래서 그런지, 여기 Article에도 나오듯이, 처리해야 할 bits 양이 늘어남으로써, 컴퓨터 메모리를 만드는 엔지니어들이 어떻게 빨리, 그리고 가격은 reasonable하게 만들지에 대한 고민을 한다고 하네요. 저도 요즘 프로그램을 만드는 것과 더불어, 어떻게 하면, 용량이 적당한 프로그램을 만들지에 대해서 고민을 하고 있습니다. 제가 라이브러리를 만다는 상황이 아니라 어려움을 겪고 있습니다 ㅠ.ㅠ 그럼 여기까지 개략적으로 설명을 드리고, 더 자세한 내용 (RAM, DRAM etc.)은 아래 script 및 제가 준비한 단어 참조 부탁 드립니다. 아래 script는 TED 홈페이지 해당 speech의 Transcript 내용 참조하였습니다.
- How computer memory works script and words
In many ways, our memories make us who we are, helping us remember our past, learn and retain skills, and plan for the future. And for the computers that often act as extensions of ourselves, memory plays much the same role, whether it's a two-hour movie, a two-word text file, or the instructions for opening either, everything in a computer's memory takes the form of basic units called bits, or binary digits. Each of these is stored in a memory cell that can switch between two states for two possible values, 0 and 1. Files and programs consist of millions of these bits, all processed in the central processing unit, or CPU, that acts as the computer's brain. And as the number of bits needing to be processed grows exponentially, computer designers face a constant struggle between size, cost, and speed.
exponentially 기하급수적으로
Like us, computers have short-term memory for immediate tasks, and long-term memory for more permanent storage. When you run a program, your operating system allocates area within the short-term memory for performing those instructions. For example, when you press a key in a word processor, the CPU will access one of these locations to retrieve bits of data. It could also modify them, or create new ones.
The time this takes is known as the memory's latency. And because program instructions must be processed quickly and continuously, all locations within the short-term memory can be accessed in any order, hence the name random access memory.
latency 잠복, 대기시간
The most common type of RAM is dynamic RAM, or DRAM. There, each memory cell consists of a tiny transistor and a capacitor that store electrical charges, a 0 when there's no charge, or a 1 when charged. Such memory is called dynamic because it only holds charges briefly before they leak away, requiring periodic recharging to retain data. But even its low latency of 100 nanoseconds is too long for modern CPUs, so there's also a small, high-speed internal memory cache made from static RAM.
That's usually made up of six interlocked transistors which don't need refreshing. SRAM is the fastest memory in a computer system, but also the most expensive, and takes up three times more space than DRAM. But RAM and cache can only hold data as long as they're powered. For data to remain once the device is turned off, it must be transferred into a long-term storage device, which comes in three major types.
In magnetic storage, which is the cheapest, data is stored as a magnetic pattern on a spinning disc coated with magnetic film. But because the disc must rotate to where the data is located in order to be read, the latency for such drives is 100,000 times slower than that of DRAM. On the other hand, optical-based storage like DVD and Blu-ray also uses spinning discs, but with a reflective coating. Bits are encoded as light and dark spots using a dye that can be read by a laser.
While optical storage media are cheap and removable, they have even slower latencies than magnetic storage and lower capacity as well. Finally, the newest and fastest types of long-term storage are solid-state drives, like flash sticks. These have no moving parts, instead using floating gate transistors that store bits by trapping or removing electrical charges within their specially designed internal structures.
So how reliable are these billions of bits? We tend to think of computer memory as stable and permanent, but it actually degrades fairly quickly. The heat generated from a device and its environment will eventually demagnetize hard drives, degrade the dye in optical media, and cause charge leakage in floating gates. Solid-state drives also have an additional weakness. Repeatedly writing to floating gate transistors corrodes them, eventually rendering them useless. With data on most current storage media having less than a ten-year life expectancy, scientists are working to exploit the physical properties of materials down to the quantum level in the hopes of making memory devices faster, smaller, and more durable. For now, immortality remains out of reach, for humans and computers alike.
corrode 부식하다
render ~ 되게 하다.
quantum 양자
exploit 개발하다, 활용하다.
immortality 영원, 불사
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